Claims of the desirable aspects in Imami jurisprudence, the encyclopedia of Sayyid al-Khoei (the book of seclusion) as a model
Claims - Faces - Approval - Jurisprudence - Sayyid al-Khoei Encyclopedia - I'tikafAbstract
It is clear that every jurisprudential issue in the research of jurisprudence requires studying the aspects of reasoning relied upon in the process of deduction. The most important purpose required by jurisprudential investigations is to explore the validity of each aspect to be relied upon. In the research of Imami jurisprudence, which flourishes with the opening of the door of ijtihad, various discussions have taken place regarding the aspects presented in jurisprudential reasoning, including the rejection of some aspects as examples of istihsan, which is rejected by the principles of Imami jurisprudence. This article aims to conduct an analytical study of a model of these aspects, which is an innovative study based on investigating the application of istihsan in it. The research included an explanation of the vocabulary, then a statement of the position on istihsan, and then it investigated a model of the claim of istihsan that occurred in an issue from the book of I'tikaf from the encyclopedia of Sayyid al-Khoei.