The impact of the diversity of human gems and abilities in the skill industry Analytical study of the Qur'anic text


  • Dr. Talal Faeq Mujbel Al Kamali



This study is a scientific attempt to reflect on the verses of the Noble Qur’an to monitor the impact of the diversity of human essences and the diversity of their apparent and latent capabilities, and the mechanism of employing his abilities and energies in refining and formulating skill, as we think that the formative rendering of the elements of his composition included self-abilities that stand behind the manifestation of skill, which is concerned with the end of drawing the parameters of the path The ladder of his promotion and completion, for this reason, this research was to monitor the energies of man’s multiple essences, and to determine the sources of his own capabilities in the skill industry and formulation; Because of the importance of the subject and the strength of its impact on human life and behavior in the midst of the temporal and spatial circumstances that surround him in good times, especially bad ones, this research was under the title (The Impact of Diversity of Man’s Gems and His Capabilities in Crafting Skill / Analytical Study in the Light of the Qur’anic Text) to determine the vision of the Holy Qur’an in this The important and sensitive field by monitoring the essential movement of human jewels and their diversity on the one hand, and their impact on skill-making, methods of organization and mechanisms of application; To inform us that the Qur’anic library is free of the research vocabulary, which we believe the Holy Qur’an has enriched with its verses scattered between its two covers.



How to Cite

أ.م.د. طلال فائق مجبل الكمالي, “The impact of the diversity of human gems and abilities in the skill industry Analytical study of the Qur’anic text ”, مِراس, vol. 2, no. 1, Apr. 2022.


